

Attention QCharts subscribers

As per information provided on eSignal forums: eSignal is planning to switch all QCharts accounts to regular eSignal. So if you are using QCharts plugin now, then with the release of QCharts 6.0, you can start using your QCharts accounts with the AmiBroker eSignal plugin. All you need to do is to switch the data source in File->Database Settings to eSignal and enter your QCharts user name/password in "Configure" dialog.

New IQFeed plugin v.1.7.0

New, much improved version of IQFeed plugin has been released now.
The plugin now requires new IQFeed API 4.1.2.


  1. updated to support new IQFeed API
  2. socket code completely rewritten to use asynchronous sockets instead of multiple threads and synchronous sockets
  3. backfills are now much faster and less CPU hungry
  4. during backfill AmiBroker charts are refreshed after arrival of every 5000 bar packet which gives better user-experience (no need to wait until entire backfill is completed)

More information, download links, installation instructions at: