{"id":1283,"date":"2017-03-28T07:21:35","date_gmt":"2017-03-28T12:21:35","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.amibroker.com\/devlog\/?p=1283"},"modified":"2017-03-28T09:14:30","modified_gmt":"2017-03-28T14:14:30","slug":"amibroker-6-21-0-beta-released","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/www.amibroker.com\/wordpress\/devlog\/2017\/03\/28\/amibroker-6-21-0-beta-released\/","title":{"rendered":"AmiBroker 6.21.0 BETA released"},"content":{"rendered":"
Stability: This is a BETA version. Make a backup first<\/strong><\/font><\/p>\n A new beta version (6.21.0) of AmiBroker, with preliminary native chart GUI support has just been released.<\/p>\n 32-bit<\/strong> version: 64-bit<\/strong> version: If you can not log in into members' area please get your new password by filling the form at: http:\/\/www.amibroker.com\/login.html<\/a><\/font><\/p>\n IMPORTANT: Unauthorized copying and\/or distribution of materials found on members' only page is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in IMMEDIATE termination of license.<\/font><\/p>\n UPGRADE POLICY<\/strong> Remember to BACKUP YOUR FILES FIRST ! FEATURE HIGHLIGHT<\/strong> Best practice is to keep the number under 100-200. If you need more consider using low-level graphics instead.<\/p>\n - regular BETA should work fine in most environments<\/em><\/p>\n
\n(2 254 240 bytes) <\/p>\n
\n(10 590 392 bytes) <\/p>\n
\nThis version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after March 28, 2015<\/strong>. Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at http:\/\/www.amibroker.com\/members\/info.php<\/a><\/p>\n
\nNote that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 6.20 or higher from http:\/\/www.amibroker.com\/download.html<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
\nThis version features preliminary support for native chart GUI (buttons and edits at the moment). Please be reasonable with Gui* functions and be aware of Windows limits. As all controls in Windows (buttons, edit boxes, etc) are actual Window objects they are subject to Windows limitation. And there is a limit of 10000 windows PER PROCESS. So don't try to create thousands of buttons (like a button for every bar of data) because first you will see huge performance decrease and next you will hit the limit and run into problems (crash), see https:\/\/blogs.msdn.microsoft.com\/oldnewthing\/20070718-00\/?p=25963<\/a>.<\/p>\n