AmiBroker Auto-Trading interface for Interactive Brokers 1.3.8
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May 29, 2014 21:03
June 3, 2013: The auto-trading interface is now open-source. For the
details see:
Just run the installer and follow the instructions.
See CHANGE LOG below for detailed list of changes.
- AmiBroker 4.70 or higher. Recommended AmiBroker 5.30 especially
on Vista and Windows 7.
- TWS workstation (DEMO, PaperTrading is OK) from
. Preferred version: 907 or higher.
DO NOT use TWS version 945.1 - it is buggy, especially web
Use standalone TWS 944.3 or earlier instead.
- Enable ActiveX and Socket Clients turned ON in
TWS (Configure->API menu in TWS)
The most recent version of IBController (1.3.8) can be downloaded
The IB Controller (BrokerIB.EXE) is a separate application that acts as a
buffer between AmiBroker and Interactive Brokers TWS. It accepts commands from
AmiBroker and send orders to / retrieves information from TWS. It also allows
to cancel/transmit orders manually. The IB controller application is run automatically
by AmiBroker if the formula contains the following call:
ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB");
After this call the BrokerIB.EXE (IB Controller) application is launched and
the ibc variable contains the pointer to OLE automation object that has several
methods (functions) that allow to place/modify/cancel orders via TWS and to
query portfolio information. Those methods (functions) are called as any automation
object methods, for example:
ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB");
if( ibc.IsConnected() ) // check if connection to IB was successfull
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 100, "MKT",
0, 0, "DAY", False ); // place order but do not transmit yet
Note that this is low-level interface for advanced users that is made available
in so called phase-one of implementing automated trading via IB. There will
be higher-level interface that will be implemented later.
IB Controller Methods (Functions):
- PlaceOrder( string Ticker, string Action, number Quantity, string Type, number LimitPrice, number StopPrice, string TimeInForce, bool Transmit,
[optional] number TickSize = 100, [optional] string Attributes = "", [optional]
string ParentID = "", [optional] string
OCAGroup, [optional] number OCAType, [optional] string FAParams,
[optional] string Account)
This function places a new order
Return value:
The function returns the OrderId (string) that can be later used to modify/cancel/query
status of the order
- Ticker - string that specifies the symbol of security/contract to be
purchased. The symbol should follow the symbology defined in detail at:
- Action - specifies action to be taken, possible values are:
- Quantity - the number of shares/contracts to buy/sell
- Type - specifies order type, possible values are:
- consult the documentation of Interactive Brokers TWS for more information
on order types
- LimitPrice - this defines the limit price for limit and stop limit orders
- StopPrice - this defines stop price for stop orders
- TimeInForce - defines the time in force of the order,
possible values are: "DAY", "GTC", "IOC","GTD"
Starting from v1.0.8 TimeInForce field in PlaceOrder/ModifyOrder accepts
GTD and GAT specifications
GTD - Good Till Date - indicates that the order should remain workign
the time and date set.
Good Till Date specification
YYYY is 4 digit year
MM is 2 digit month
DD is 2 digit day
HH is 2 digit hour
MM is 2 digit minute
SS is 2 digit second (OPTIONAL)
TZONE is time zone (OPTIONAL)
After regular TimeInForce specifications (DAY, GTC, GTD) you may add
GoodAfterTime (GAT) part. GAT part comes AFTER semicolon. It indicates
trade should be submitted after the time and date set:
GAT specifications:
DAY;GAT YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS TZONE - day order valid after specified date/time
GTC;GAT YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS TZONE - good till canceled order valid after
specified time
GTD yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss tzone;GAT YYYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS TZONE - GTD order
valid after specified time
YYYY is 4 digit year
MM is 2 digit month
DD is 2 digit day
HH is 2 digit hour
MM is 2 digit minute
SS is 2 digit second (OPTIONAL)
TZONE is time zone (OPTIONAL)
Note: there must be NO SPACE characted between semicolon and GAT string.
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 100, "LMT", 27, 0, "DAY;GAT
20051214 18:00:00 GMT", True );
- day limit order good after Dec 14,2005, 18:00 GMT
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 100, "LMT", 27, 0, "GTD
20051215 17:00:00 GMT;GAT 20051214 18:00:00 GMT", True );
- limit order valid from Dec 14,2005 18:00 to Dec 15,2005 17:00 GMT
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 100, "LMT", 27, 0, "GTD
20051215 19:00:00 GMT", True );
- limit order valid from now until Dec 15,2005 19:00 GMT
- Transmit - boolean flag that specifies if given order should be actually
transmitted to the exchange.
if this flag is set to FALSE then order is NOT transmitted but appears
in the TWS workstation so you can press transmit it manually later
additional parameters for IBController 1.0.4 or higher:
- TickSize - defines minimum price fluctuation allowed for given symbol
expressed in pips (= 0.0001). For most US stocks it is 100 (represents
0.01 move), for most currencies: 1 (represents 0.0001 move), if minimum
move is less than 0.0001 you can use fractional values for example 1/100
for 0.000001 move.
additional parameters for IBController 1.0.8 or higher
- Attributes - is a string that allows to specify additional order attributes
(comma separated list).
Supported attributes:
outsideRTH - if specified means that order will trigger not only during
Regular Trading Hours (RTH), but also in extended trading (pre/after
market); this applies to stop orders, conditional orders, and alerts;
it is used by the triggering logic. If not specified (false) orders
will trigger ONLY during RTH.
allOrNone - fill all or nothing at all
eTradeOnly - trade with electronic quotes only
firmQuoteOnly - trade with firm quotes only
Version 1.1 ignoreRth / rthOnly flags are OBSOLETE now and not supported as
TWS API dropped support for those.
By default all those flags are INACTIVE (OFF)
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 1000, "LMT", 27, 0, "GTD
20051215 19:00:00 GMT", True, 100, "allOrNone" );
(Note that optional parameter TickSize MUST be specified if you want
to use Attributes)
ParentID - is a string that specifies parent order identifier
(returned by previous PlaceOrder call)
allowing you to place BRACKET orders.
parentID = ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 1000, "LMT", 27, 0, "GTC", False );
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "SELL", 1000, "LMT", 28, 0, "GTC", False, 100, "",
parentID );
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "SELL", 1000, "STP", 26, 26, "GTC", True, 100, "",
parentID );
Note that TRANSMIT flag is set to FALSE on all bracket orders except the
last one. This ensures that orders wait until bracket order set is completed.
Setting Transmit flag to TRUE on the very last one transmits entire bracket.
- OCAGroup - optional string parameter (new in 1.1.0) that allows
to define OCA (One-Cancels-All) group of orders
OCA group orders work in conjuntion with one another so when one order
within the group is executed the remaining orders are canceled. For more
info see:
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "SELL", 1000, "LMT", 28, 0, "GTC", True, 100, "", 0, "MYGROUP" );
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "SELL", 1000, "STP", 26, 26, "GTC", True, 100, "", 0, "MYGROUP" );
- OCAType - optional numeric parameter (new in 1.1.0) that allows
to control the way OCAGroup orders are handled when one order in the group
is partially filled.
Possible values are:
1 = CANCEL_WITH_BLOCK - other orders are cancelled
2 = REDUCE_WITH_BLOCK - other orders are reduced in size and overfill
protection is ON
3 = REDUCE_NON_BLOCK - other orders are reduced in size and overfill protection
is OFF
Default value is 3
- FAParams - optional string parameter (new in 1.1.0) - for use
with FA (Financial Advisor aka Family&Friends) accounts.
Allows to
specify FA account allocation group, profile, method and percentage. These
four parameters should be provided as semicolon separated string:
If some parameter is not necessary it may be left empty but you need to
keep semicolons if there are any further parameters required. For example
to specify order that uses "All" group and uses "EqualQuantity" method
the FAParameter should look like this:
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 1000, "LMT", 27, 0, "GTC", True, 100, "", 0, "", 0, "All;;EqualQuantity" );
If you want to use custom allocation profile you can use:
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 1000, "LMT", 27, 0, "GTC", True, 100, "", 0, "", 0, "All;MyCustomProfile" );
If FAParams is not provided and you are using FA account than IBc will
use default allocation of "All;;AvailableEquity"
Note that by default IB Controller logs into "All" account which is "aggregate",
i.e. holds the sum of all positions on all sub-accounts.
- Account - optional string parameter (new in 1.3.5) - for use
with FA (Financial Advisor aka Family&Friends) accounts.
This allows to specify destination account for order for F&F/FA IB
accounts in single call, instead of relying on SetAccount/PlaceOrder sequence.
Single-call PlaceOrder/ModifyOrder with account specification allows to
specify account without worrying that other threads/processes can switch
the account between SetAccount() and PlaceOrder().
- ModifyOrder( string OrderId, string Ticker, string Action, number Quantity, string Type, number LimitPrice, number StopPrice, string TimeInForce, bool Transmit,
[optional] number TickSize =
100, [optional] string Attributes = "", [optional]
string ParentID = "" , [optional] string
OCAGroup, [optional] number OCAType, [optional] string FAParam,
[optional] string Account)
This function modifies the order that was placed before but not yet filled.
This function can be used also to modify orders that were sent with "Transmit" flag
set to False. Also when OrderID parameter is empty this function works exactly
like PlaceOrder (so you can place and modify orders using ModifyOrder() function
Return value:
The function returns the OrderId (string) that can be later used to modify/cancel/query
status of the order
- OrderId - string specifying the orderID to be modified (returned by
earlier PlaceOrder or ModifyOrder call). If this parameter is empty then
the function places a new order
- all remaining parameters are the same as in PlaceOrder function
In version 1.1.0 one improvement was added to the ModifyOrder function
that if some of optional parameters like ParentID, OCAGroup, OCAType, FAParam
are not specified - then it uses previously provided values (during PlaceOrder).
This prevents from for example losing ParentID when calling ModifyOrder
on a child order without currect parentID.
- CancelOrder( string OrderId )
This function cancels pending order.
Return value:
True - if pending order was found and cancel request has been sent, False
- if there is no pending order with specified OrderId
- OrderId - string specifying the orderID to be modified (returned by
earlier PlaceOrder or ModifyOrder call).
- GetAccountValue( string FieldName )
(new in 1.0.2)
This function retrieves account values.
Return value:
String representing the value. Note that if you need number in AFL you should
use StrToNum conversion function that will convert string returned by this
function to the number.
Empty string is returned if field does not exist or is empty.
- FieldName - defines the value to query
List of available fields (case sensitive):
1. The fields that are either currency-independent or expressed in BASE account
currency (usually totals):
2. Fields that are provided separately for EACH currency held on the account,
[CUR] in the list below means currency symbol, so for USD denominated funds and
securities you will see [USD] prefix. Note IDEALPRO spot Forex positions are
[CUR]CashBalance here.
When currency is NOT specified IBc first looks for values
specified in BASE currency and if not found then uses USD as default,
so you can use old-style GetAccountValue("AvailableFunds") and it will
return the same as GetAccountValue("[USD]AvailableFunds")
- because there available funds are not specified in base currency.
If you however call GetAccountValue("TotalCashBalance") it will report
in BASE currency and it may be different from GetAccountValue("[USD]TotalCashBalance")
which will represent USD cash only. Differences will occur if you have cash positions
in many currencies so "base" currency shows gross total of all positions
in all currencies as if they were exchanged into base currency
- GetExecInfo( string OrderId, , string Field)
(new in 1.3.0)
This function retrieves the value of the Field of OrderId order
from the execution list
Return value:
the numeric or sting value of the requested Field for OrderId. Null if no field
position available
- OrderId - string that specifies the order (returned by PlaceOrder function
or retrieved by GetExecList).
- Field - one of column names found in "Executions" page of IB
Controller. For example "Avg. price" gives average price of purchase
of given security, "Filled" gives number of shares/contracts filled
- GetExecList( number Type, string Filter )
(new in 1.3.0)
Returns comma separated list of orders from executions list
Type - specifies what should be returned 0 - gives ORDERIDs
(currently this is the ONLY value accepted)
Filter - when not empty it tells IBc that only orders
with specified status should be returned when empty - all orders from pending
list are returned.
symbols = ibc.GetPendingList( 0, "Filled" );
- returns comma separated list of completely filled order IDs
symbols = ibc.GetPendingList( 0, "" );
- returns list of all orderIDs present in the "executions list"
To extract symbols from the list use this kind of loop:
for( i = 0;
( symbol = StrExtract(
symbols, i ) ) != ""; i++
printf("Symbol: " +
symbol + "\n" );
Example usage:
execlist = ibc.GetExecList(0,""); //
list all orders from executions page
execinfo = "";
for( i = 0;
( OId = StrExtract( execlist,
i ) ) != ""; i++ )
execinfo = execinfo + OID + " Symbol: " +
ibc.GetExecInfo( OID, "Symbol" )
" Filled: " + ibc.GetExecInfo(
OID, "Filled" ) +
" Avg. price: " + ibc.GetExecInfo(
OID, "Avg. price" ) + "\n";
_TRACE( execinfo );
- GetLastError( string OrderId )
(new in 1.0.2)
This function returns the text of last error message
Return value:
string representing the error message. Empty in case when there was no error
message or there is no such order
OrderId - specifies the order id to query last error information from. There
is a special value that you can pass: 0 (zero) and it has a special meaning:
it retrieves last error message for ANY order. This is exactly this message
that appears on the top of the error list in IBController user interface.
- GetStatus( string OrderId, [optional]
boolean InclFilled )
This function retrieves status of pending order.
Return value:
string that describes the status, it can be:
"NotYetTransmitted", "PreSubmitted", "Pending", "Cancelled","Submitted", "Filled", "Error" (new
in 1.0.2), "Inactive" or empty when matching order was not found
Depending on InclFilled field some statuses are intermittient.
If InclFilled is not specified or equal to false (zero) then only "NotYetTransmitted", "Pending",
"PreSubmitted", "Submitted"
statuses are reported consistently. "Cancelled" and "Filled" statuses
are intermittient because such orders are removed from pending orders list
within one second from cancelling/filling the order (this will change in
the future). "Error" status means that there was an error during
processing last request to place/modify an order and you can query detailed
error information using GetLastError function.
If InclFilled is set to True then also statuses of orders
listed on "Executions" list are reported and this means that you can get
"Filled", "Error", "Inactive" consistently.
Note: InclFilled parameter has been introduced in 1.0.8.
- OrderId - string specifying the orderID to be modified (returned by
earlier PlaceOrder or ModifyOrder call).
- GetPositionInfo( string Ticker, string Field)
(new in 1.0.3)
This function retrieves the value of the Field of Ticker symbol
held currently in the portfolio
IMPORTANT CHANGE in 1.1.0 : the function does NOT report positions with
zero sizes anymore
Return value:
the numeric value of the requested Field for Ticker. Null if no field or
no such position available
- Ticker - string that specifies the symbol of security/contract. The
symbol should follow the symbology defined in detail at:
- Field - one of column names found in "Portfolio" page of
IB Controller. For example "Avg. cost" gives average cost of
purchase of given security, "Unrealized PNL" gives unrealized
profit and loss.
- GetPositionSize( string Ticker )
This function retrieves the number of shares/contracts of Ticker symbol held
currently in the portfolio
Return value:
the number that descibes the currently held position size for Ticker. Positive
numbers mean long position, negative numbers mean short position, zero means
that given ticker is not held in the portfolio
- Ticker - string that specifies the symbol of security/contract. The
symbol should follow the symbology defined in detail at:
- IsConnected()
This function retrieves the connection status to TWS.
Return value:
0 - NO connection
1 - connection in progress
2 - means connection OK, no messages
3 - connection OK, but TWS generated some warning/error messages (see "Messages
- IsOrderPending( string OrderId )
This function checks if given order is pending (or not yet transmitted).
Return value:
True - if order is still in the pending list, False if order was Filled,
cancelled or there is no such order at all
- OrderId - string specifying the orderID to be modified (returned by
earlier PlaceOrder or ModifyOrder call).
- GetPositionList()
(new in 1.0.8)
Returns comma-separated symbol list of currently open positions.
IMPORTANT CHANGE in 1.1.0 : the function does NOT report positions with zero
sizes anymore
list of open positions and their sizes
ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB");
openpos = ibc.GetPositionList();
for( i = 0;
( symbol = StrExtract(
openpos, i ) ) != "";
i++ )
printf("Position " +
i + "\tSymbol: " + symbol
+ "\tSize: " + ibc.GetPositionSize(
symbol ) + "\n" );
- GetPendingList( number Type, string Filter )
(new in 1.0.8)
Returns comma separated list of orders from pending list
Type - specifies what should be returned 0 - gives ORDERIDs, 1 gives symbol
Filter - when not empty it tells IBc that only orders with
specified status should be returned
when empty - all orders from pending list are returned.
symbols = ibc.GetPendingList( 0, "Pending" );
- returns comma separated list of pending order IDs
symbols = ibc.GetPendingList( 1, "Pending" );
- returns comma separated list of SYMBOLS that have pending orders
symbols = ibc.GetPendingList( 0, "Error" );
- returns list of orderids that have errors
symbols = ibc.GetPendingList( 0, "Cancelled" );
- returns cancelled orderids (please keep in mind that cancelled order are
automatically removed from
the list after few seconds)
symbols = ibc.GetPendingList( 0, "" );
- returns list of all orderIDs present in the "pending list" (may
be pending/error/cancelled/partially filled/submitted, etc)
To extract symbols from the list use this kind of loop:
for( i = 0;
( symbol = StrExtract(
symbols, i ) ) != "";
i++ )
printf("Symbol: " +
+ "\n" );
- CloseAllOpenPositions( [optional] string Ticker )
(new in 1.0.8)
Sends orders to close all currently open positions.
sends MARKET SELL/BUY order for each and every LONG/SHORT position in the
portfolio page - should effectively close all open positions (provided
that closing orders will fill correctly), note however that it may happen
these closing orders may fail (for example when markets are closed)
New in 1.1.0: now function accepts optional parameter. When it is provided,
the function closes positions only on specified ticker. If it is not specified
- it operates as previously (closes positions on all symbols).
- CancelAllPendingOrders( [optional] string Ticker )
(new in 1.0.8)
Cancels all pending orders
Sends cancel for each and every order displayed in the Pending orders page
(with the exception of orders with Errors)
New in 1.1.0: now function accepts optional parameter. When it is provided,
the function cancels orders only of specified ticker. If it is not
specified - it operates as previously (cancels all pending orders on all
- Transmit( string OrderID )
(new in 1.0.8)
Modifies transmit flag on NotYetTransmitted order
OrderID - string specifying the orderid returned by PlaceOrder
Returns non-zero (true) when orderid has been found on the pending order
and zero otherwise. It does not necesarily mean that transmit was successful.
Transmit( orderid) is used to transmit orders previously placed with transmit
flag set to false.
Transmit internally is handled by calling "modify order" function
(so you don't need to specify the same parameters again) but note that
TWS has problems with handling modify requests coming too quickly, so you
will NOT be able to call modify/transmit immediatelly after placing order
transmit = false.
In such cases we recommend using manual trigger that is slow enough not
to cause problems.
ibc.Transmit( orderid );
- Sleep( number Milliseconds )
(new in 1.0.8)
This is EXPERIMENTAL function.
Suspends the execution for specified number of milliseconds.
Please do NOT use this function unless you really have to, because it locks
both IBController and AmiBroker for specified period of time and both applications
won't respond to user actions (such as mouse/keyboard input). If you suspend
execution for more than few seconds AmiBroker will complain about OLE server
not responding.
ibc.Sleep( 1000 ); //
sleep for 1000 milliseconds = 1 second
- ClearList( number ListNo )
(new in 1.1.0)
Clears specified display list.
where ListNo can be:
0 - pending order list
1 - execution list
2 - portfolio list
3 - account information list
4 - error message list
-1 - special meaning (new in 1.3.5) - clear ALL lists
ibc.ClearList( 4 ); // clears error message list
Note that this function only affects the display, it does NOT affect the
status of orders. So if you have any active orders the "pending orders", "executions" lists
will be re-filled with currently active orders during next status update
(usually within fraction of second - so it may not be visually noticeable)
It also applies for portfolio and account information lists - they will
re-filled with next account update - usually within few seconds.
- SetAccount( string Account )
(new in 1.1.0, changed in 1.3.5)
IMPORTANT: Functionality of this function has CHANGED IN 1.3.5
ONLY FOR FA (financial advisor) accounts.
Sets active account for next PlaceOrder()/ModifyOrder() calls. Note that it
is also possible now to specify destination account directly via parameter
passed to PlaceOrder/ModifyOrder instead of relying on SetAccount().
SetAccount() does NOT clear lists
anymore and does NOT change 'viewing' account as it did in pre-1.3.5 versions.
Clearing execution and pending list was problematic because when switching
accounts the information about previously sent orders on different account
was lost on F&F accounts. So SetAccount() does not clear lists automatically.
If you want to do this, you can call ClearList( -1 ) explicitely.
Also this function does NOT change the account which is displayed in the "account
information" window and "portfolio" tabs.
To change account displayed in the "account information" page
and "portfolio" tabs use new function SetInfoAccount().
Separation of order and viewing accounts allows directing orders to any
account withing changing any views, i.e. you can monitor/view "All" account
- that displays cumulative information for all F&F/FA accounts or any
other account while placing orders for other accounts.
By default viewing information is the "ALL" account and in most
cases there is no need to change it as it receives updates from all sub-accounts.
- SetInfoAccount( string Account )
(new in 1.3.5)
This function changes the account which is displayed in the "account
information" window and "portfolio" tabs.
It does NOT change account used for orders.
Separation of order and viewing accounts allows directing orders to any
account withing changing any views, i.e. you can monitor/view "All" account
- that displays cumulative information for all F&F/FA accounts or any
other account while placing orders for other accounts.
By default viewing information is the "ALL" account and in most
cases there is no need to change it as it receives updates from all sub-accounts.
Note that IB
uses "A" subscript
to designate "All" account
that is aggregate of all subaccounts. So if your FA account has a number
of F1234, you need to add "A" suffix to it to get aggregate data:
- Reconnect()
(new in 1.1.0)
Closes connection to TWS and
re-opens it, clears all lists and requeries for pending orders. Essentially
gives the same effect as you would achieve by terminating and re-running IB
1. Placing and transmitting Market Buy Order for 100 shares when MACD crosses
above Signal line:
Buy = Cross( MACD(), Signal()
if( LastValue( Buy )
ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB");
// check if we are connected OK
ibc.IsConnected() )
// check if we do not have
already open position on this stock
ibc.GetPositionSize( Name()
) == 0 )
transmit order
ibc.PlaceOrder( Name(), "Buy", 100, "MKT", 0, 0, "Day", True );
2. Placing/modifying a limit order on current price plus $0.10 but without
transmitting it (manual transmit required).
This code can be run many times and it will modify existing order as long
as it is not transmitted. It uses static variables to store orderId from last
Buy = L > Ref( H,
-1 ); //
buy when prices gap up
if( LastValue( Buy )
ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB");
// check if we are connected OK
ibc.IsConnected() )
// place orders
only if we do not have already open position on this symbol
ibc.GetPositionSize( Name()
) == 0 )
retrieve orderID from previous run, will be empty if no order was placed before
OrderID = StaticVarGetText("OrderID"+Name());
place or modify the order - don't transmit yet
OrderID = ibc.ModifyOrder(
OrderID, Name(), "BUY", 100,
"LMT", LastValue( C )
+ 0.10, 0, "Day", False );
store orderID for next run so we know which order to modify
3. Placing/modifying manually from Parameters dialog. Code to be applied in
Indicator Builder. (Modified to use new features in 1.0.2)
This code can be run many times and it will modify existing order as long
as it is not transmitted. It uses static variables to store orderId from last
Param block
TriggerOrder= ParamTrigger("Place
order","Click here to
place order");
existing|Always place new order");
ACT = ParamList("Action", "BUY|SELL|SSHORT");
OT = ParamList("Order
Type", "MKT|LMT|STP");
TIF = ParamList("Time
In Force", "DAY|GTC|IOC");
Ticker = ParamStr("Ticker",Name());
NumShares = Param("Number
of Shares",10,10,100,10);
LimitPrice = LastValue(C)
+ Param("Limit
Price offset",0,-0.1,0.1,0.01);
StopPrice = LastValue(C)
+ Param("Stop
price offset",0,-0.1,0.1,0.01);
Transmit = ParamToggle("Transmit","Do
NOT transmit|Transmit",0);
TriggerCancel = ParamTrigger("Cancel
Order","Click here to
Cancel order");
Msg = ""; //
this variable stores error message text
// create instance of trading interface
ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB");
// retrieve orderID from previous run, will be empty
if no order was placed before
OrderID = StaticVarGetText("OrderID"+Ticker);
if( TriggerOrder
// check if we are connected OK
if( ibc.IsConnected()
if( Mode == 1 )
OrderID = ""; //
if mode set to 'always new' then clear orderid
// place orders only if we do not have already open
position on this symbol
// place or modify the order - don't transmit yet
OrderID = ibc.ModifyOrder( OrderID, Ticker,
ACT, NumShares, OT, LimitPrice, StopPrice, TIF, Transmit);
// store orderID for next run so we know which order
to modify
if( Mode == 1 )
Msg = "New order has been placed with ID = ";
Msg = "Order placed/modified with ID = ";
Msg = Msg + OrderID + " on " + Now();
Msg = "Placing order failed because of no connection
to TWS";
if( TriggerCancel
OrderId != "" )
ibc.CancelOrder( OrderId ) )
Msg = "Request to cancel order " +
OrderID + " sent successfully";
Msg = "Request to cancel order " +
OrderID + " failed.";
Msg = "Can not cancel order becase OrderID is empty";
execlist = ibc.GetExecList(0,""); //
execinfo = "";
for( i = 0;
( OId = StrExtract( execlist,
i ) ) != ""; i++ )
execinfo = execinfo + OID + " Symbol: " +
ibc.GetExecInfo( OID, "Symbol" )
" Filled: " + ibc.GetExecInfo(
OID, "Filled" ) +
" Avg. price: " + ibc.GetExecInfo(
OID, "Avg. price" ) + "\n";
// monitoring code
Title =
Msg +
"\nLast TWS message: "+
ibc.GetLastError(0) +
"\nAvailable funds: " +
" Gross Pos. Value: " +
"\nOrderID = "+OrderId+
"\nTicker = "+Ticker+
"\nAction = "+ACT+
"\nShares = "+NumToStr(NumShares,1.0)+
"\nOrderType = "+OT+
"\nLimitPrice = "+NumToStr(LimitPrice,1.3)+
"\nStopPrice = "+NumToStr(StopPrice,1.3)+
"\nTimeInForce= "+TIF+
"\nTransmit = "+NumToStr(Transmit,1.0)+"\n"+
"\nGetStatus = "+ibc.GetStatus(
OrderID )+
"\nGetPositionSize = "+ibc.GetPositionSize(
Ticker )+
"\nIsConnected = "+NumToStr(ibc.IsConnected(),1.0)
"\nExecInfo\n" + execinfo;
4. Placing bracket order
// create instance of trading interface
ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB");
parentID = ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 1000, "LMT", 27, 0, "GTC", False );
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "SELL", 1000, "LMT", 28, 0, "GTC", False, 100, "",
parentID );
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "SELL", 1000, "STP", 26, 26, "GTC", True, 100, "",
parentID );
Note that TRANSMIT flag is set to FALSE on all bracket
orders except the last one. This ensures that orders wait until bracket order
set is completed. Setting Transmit flag to TRUE on the very last one transmits
entire bracket.
5. Iterating through open positions:
ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB");
openpos = ibc.GetPositionList();
for( i = 0;
( symbol = StrExtract(
openpos, i ) ) != ""; i++
printf("Position " +
i + "\tSymbol: " + symbol
+ "\tSize: " + ibc.GetPositionSize(
symbol ) + "\n" );
6. Placing OCA group orders:
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "SELL", 1000, "LMT", 28, 0, "GTC", True, 100, "", 0, "MYGROUP" );
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "SELL", 1000, "STP", 26, 26, "GTC", True, 100, "", 0, "MYGROUP" );
1) Why IBController has BETA status?
The reason is simple - because it relies on IB API we have no control upon.
You need to be aware of the fact that Interactive Brokers may and actually
do change TWS and API quite often and any future changes in the API/TWS may
produce incompatiblities without any warning. We try to adjust IBController
as soon as such incompatibilities surface, but we can only do that "after
the fact". Due to this there can be periods when IBController does not
work properly with certain version(s) of TWS. That is the only reason why IBController
is marked as BETA.
2) What exactly is the OrderID, where is the number stored? How does
it increment? Can we assign our own OrderIDs?
OrderID is a string that represents the unique order number that is assigned
by IB Controller (for orders placed via IB Controller) or TWS (for orders placed
in TWS) when you place the order. It is automatically incremented on each NEW
order. The implementation takes care that generated ID is unique for given
session of TWS. You should NOT assign your own IDs because you may risk generating
duplicates that will be rejected by TWS.
3) The IB Interface contains a lot of useful information, can we
access this information in afl?
GetAccountValue() function (introduced in 1.0.2) allows that.
4) IMPORTANT. During development i often "lose" my connection
to the TWS and cannot get it going again. Under what conditions can/does
this happen?
This is probably caused by placing ModifyOrder calls too often so TWS is not
able handle them and sends error messages ("Unable to modify this order
as its still being processed") and it results in IsConnected() returning
false. This should be addressed by next version. If such thing happens you
can simply close IB Controller window.
5) Is it possible to read IB Last/Bif/Ask prices while running a eSignal
Right now there is no access to price data via IBController but maybe in the
6) Why do we have a PlaceOrder() and a ModifyOrder(), if ModifyOrder
can be used in both cases?
Just for completeness. Indeed ModifyOrder alone would be enough.
7) Can we retrieve the "Executions" and "Pending" page
(string) from the IB Controller window, for display on the chart?
Pending - yes you can retrieve the status of the order while it is on "Pending" page
using GetStatus. As for "execution" tab - as it is already described
in the read me this is in the works.
8) It appears the startup sequence of TWS and AB is significant,
is it?
Not actually TWS and AB - they are independent. But what is important to run
TWS before running IB Controller. If you however have your trading code in
indicator then it may be auto-refreshed at AB start and in this individual
case you would need to run TWS before AB. Anyway if something fails you can
simply close IB controller window and it will re-open automatically and reconnect
on next call to GetTradingInterface.
9) When the TWS/AB connection is broken during trading, what is the
best way to restore it?
Close IB Controller manually. It will re-open automatically and reconnect
on next call to GetTradingInterface.
10) What is the consequence of repeated PlaceOrder() or ModifyOrder()
execution due to AB Refresh? What happens when, instead of using Cross()
with use ">" or "<"?
Franly auto-trading interface is NOT indented to be used in indicators. It
is intended to be used in AA window. But if you prefer to run it in IB you
can do this too, but then you should check pending orders and check portfolio
position size for given symbol not to buy too many shares. To answer your question:
multiple PlaceOrder calls will result in multiple orders placed. Multiple ModifyOrder()
calls may result in the same (if OrderID is empty) or may just result in updating
the values of already exisiting, pending order if you specify correct OrderID
of order placed before (see the example 2.)
11) A "clear" Message button would be
nice in the IBc window, i have to scroll down continuously to see the latest
(perhaps last-on-top scrolling?)
It is already available in version 1.0.2
12) What is the best way to write a single-(user initiated)-execution
line of code? ... this is where the ParamTask() i suggested earlier would
come in handy.
Use new AFL ParamTrigger function
ParamTrigger( "Name", "Button text")
- to be used in indicator builder - to create triggers (buttons).
If you place ParamTrigger in the indicator code it will create a "button" in
Parameter dialog that can be pressed.
Normally ParamTrigger will return zero (0) but when button in the param window
is pressed then it will refresh the chart and ParamTrigger will return 1 (one)
for this single execution (further refreshes will return zero, until the button
is pressed again)
trigger = ParamTrigger("Place
Order", "Click here
to place order");
if( trigger
// your one-shot code here
13) When placing orders from an indicator (the thing to do in RT
trading) and editing the code will result in additional afl executions, how
can i prevent randon order placement from the extra passes? Parameters and
Signals may not be the same as a result of using loops, DLLs, and things.
Use static variables as given in example 2 to MODIFY existing order instead
of placing many new orders. Or use code given in response to question 10
14) I got an warning from TWS that is treated as error in Pending list.
How can I solve that?
You can put specific TWS code onto "Ignore list" (use File->Error
code ignore list to enter codes in comma separated list). Any code entered
here will be ignored by Pending List page, but still will be displayed in
the messages window.
15) some message in the IBc are not clear/precise in their meaning
Well these messages come from TWS and I have no influence on their wording
- removed the workaround introduced in 1.3.5 for symbol translation
because it caused problems for symbols like 6EU0-GLOBEX-FUT where symbol
is not
equal to local symbol less expiration code (EUR vs 6E). Instead symbol
translation now relies solely on method introduced in 1.3.6
- GetPositionList() returned empty symbol part for non-stocks. Fixed
- PlaceOrder failed on Financial advisor accounts when non-master Account
was passed in a parameter without preceding SetAccount call. Fixed.
- IBController now uses more reliable way to translate from local symbol
to TWS symbol/expiry pair based on information sent back by TWS. (It is not
as simple as one may think because sometimes local symbol does not contain
TWS symbol, so one can not derive TWS symbol from local symbol in general
case, for example FESX SEP 10 local symbol translates to ESTX50,20100917,
therefore IBController needs to get info from TWS)
- New SetInfoAccount( account )
This function changes the account which is displayed in the "account
information" window and "portfolio" tabs.
It does NOT change account used for orders.
Separation of order and viewing accounts allows directing orders to any
account withing changing any views, i.e. you can monitor/view "All" account
- that displays cumulative information for all F&F/FA accounts or any
other account while placing orders for other accounts.
By default viewing information is the "ALL" account and in most
cases there is no need to change it as it receives updates from all sub-accounts.
- To workaround recent change in TWS, for futures
(FUT) 'symbol' field is set by IBController as localsymbol without expiration
month/year. This is temporary
workaround which may be broken by other TWS releases. Tested to work with
TWS 907.7
- Pending Orders/Executions/Portfolio/Account info tabs now have
additional command "Account" that specifies the account given item
refers to
- PlaceOrder and ModifyOrder now accept optional Account parameter
This allows to specify destination account for order for F&F/FA IB accounts
in single call, instead of relying on SetAccount/PlaceOrder sequence.
Single-call PlaceOrder/ModifyOrder with account specification allows to specify
account without worrying that other threads/processes can switch the account
between SetAccount() and PlaceOrder().
- Now SetAccount()
only sets account for NEXT order(s). It does NOT clear lists anymore and
does NOT change 'viewing' account
Clearing execution and pending list was problematic because when switching
accounts the information about previously sent orders on different account
was lost on F&F accounts. So SetAccount() does not clear lists automatically.
If you want to do this, you can call ClearList( -1 ) explicitely.
Also this function does NOT change the account which is displayed in the "account
information" window and "portfolio" tabs.
To change account displayed in the "account information" page
and "portfolio" tabs use new function SetInfoAccount().
Separation of order and viewing accounts allows directing orders to any
account withing changing any views, i.e. you can monitor/view "All" account
- that displays cumulative information for all F&F/FA accounts or any
other account while placing orders for other accounts.
By default viewing information is the "ALL" account and in most
cases there is no need to change it as it receives updates from all sub-accounts.
- ClearList() method accepts -1 as listno
- then it clears ALL lists
- fixed compatibility issues with TWS version 904+
- added configuration file to support AmiBroker 5.30 trading from chart
- added GetExecList and GetExecInfo functions.
- The IBc now accepts new symbology
convention with 4th part defining currency: SYMBOL-EXCHANGE-TYPE-CURRENCY.
When currency is not specified
USD is used as default. For more info see
- The IBc also accepts single letter
type codes
- IBc now allows to define which error codes should be ignored using File->Error
code ignore list
- upgraded to use latest TWS API 9.41 (tested with latest TWS
885.7, requires at least 879)
- following TWS API changes ignoreRth and rthOnly
flags are removed and replaced with single flag: outsideRTH
Quote from TWS DOC
"OutsideRTH Flag Replaces "Ignore Regular Trading Hours" and "Regular
Trading Hours Only" Flags
Supported in: All API Platforms
A new, single order atttibute, bool OutsideRTH(), replaces two flags:
ignoreRTH and rthOnly in the Order class/struct. If set to true, this
new extended order attribute allows orders to trigger or fill outside
of regular trading hours.
- primaryExchange is now set to empty. This solves "invalid symbol"
problem occuring for some accounts during last 2 weeks following apparent
changes in IB.
- Added handling of error codes 2100, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1300
- Financial advisor Account support (FC Issue #69) :
Added FA-only fields to PlaceOrder/ModifyOrder
When run on FA account IBc automatically queries for account list
and uses "All" account by default
- GetAccountValue now allows to query
values separately for each currency.
Currency specific values are available using this syntax:
where CUR is currency symbol for example:
When currency is NOT specified IBc first looks for values
specified in BASE currency and if not found then uses USD as default,
so you can use old-style GetAccountValue("AvailableFunds") and it
will return the same as GetAccountValue("[USD]AvailableFunds")
- because there available funds are not specified in base currency.
If you
however call GetAccountValue("TotalCashBalance") it will report in
BASE currency and it may be different from GetAccountValue("[USD]TotalCashBalance")
which will represent USD cash only. Differences will occur if you have cash
positions in many currencies so "base" currency shows gross total
of all positions in all currencies as if they were exchanged into base currency.
- added limit of error messages to be displayed (File->Configure)
- added
re-querying for positions after reconnect
- an option to restart/reconnect
(File->Reconnect), new method
- CancelAllPendingOrders( [optional] Ticker )
now CancelAllPendingOrders method takes optional parameter Ticker.
If it is specified - it cancels orders only for specified symbol.
If it is NOT specified - it cancels all orders for ALL symbols.
- ClearList(
iListNo ) method added
ClearList( ListNo )
where ListNo can be:
0 - pending order list
1 - execution list
2 - portfolio list
3 - account information list
4 - error message list
ibc.ClearList( 4 ); // clears error message list
Note that this function
only affects the display, it does NOT affect the status of orders. So if
you have any active orders the "pending orders", "executions" lists
will be re-filled with currently active orders during next status update (usually
within fraction of second - so it may not be visually noticeable) It also
applies for portfolio and account information lists - they will be re-filled
with next account update - usually within few seconds.
- CloseAllOpenPositions(
[optional] Ticker )
now CloseAllOpenPosition method takes optional parameter Ticker.
If it is specified - it closes positions only for specified symbol.
If it is NOT specified - it closes all positions.
- exchange is reported correctly
for non-US stocks in Portfolio page
- GetPositionList() - returns only symbols
with positions <> 0
- OCA groups support added to PlaceOrder/ModifyOrder
- user-definable port
and IP number (File->Configure)
- SetAccount( AccNo ) - for FA accounts
- Warning 2107 (Historical Market Data
Service inactive) and 2104 (market data OK) is silently ignored now
- GetStatus() function now has optional parameter InclFilled
GetStatus( string OrderId, [optional] boolean InclFilled )
when InclFilled
is provided and set to true GetStatus function provides statuses for filled,
cancelled and error orders that may have been already deleted
from pending list.
- TimeInForce field in PlaceOrder/ModifyOrder allows now
to specify "Good
Till Date" and "Good After Time" date/times)
TimeInForce field in PlaceOrder/ModifyOrder accepts GTD and GAT specifications
- Good Till Date - indicates that the order should remain workign untilthe
time and date set.
Good Till Date specification
is 4 digit year, MM is 2 digit month, DD is 2 digit day, HH is 2 digit hour,
MM is 2 digit minute, SS
is 2 digit second (OPTIONAL), TZONE is time zone (OPTIONAL)
After regular TimeInForce
specifications (DAY, GTC, GTD) you may add extraGoodAfterTime (GAT) part. GAT
part comes AFTER semicolon. It indicates thattrade should
be submitted after the time and date set:
GAT specifications:
DAY;GAT YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS TZONE - day order valid after
specified date/time
GTC;GAT YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS TZONE - good till canceled order
valid after specified
GTD yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss tzone;GAT YYYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS TZONE - GTD order
valid after specified time
YYYY is 4 digit year, MM is 2 digit month, DD is
2 digit day, HH is 2 digit hour, MM is 2 digit minute, SS is 2 digit second
(OPTIONAL), TZONE is time zone
Note: there must be NO SPACE characted between semicolon and GAT
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 100, "LMT", 27, 0, "DAY;GAT
20051214 18:00:00 GMT", True );
- day limit order good after Dec 14,2005, 18:00 GMT
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 100, "LMT", 27, 0, "GTD
20051215 17:00:00 GMT;GAT 20051214 18:00:00 GMT", True );
- limit order valid from Dec 14,2005 18:00 to Dec 15,2005 17:00 GMT
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 100, "LMT", 27, 0, "GTD
20051215 19:00:00 GMT", True );
- limit order valid from now until Dec 15,2005 19:00 GMT
- Portfolio page should
now display correct exchange for futures (now it uses reqContractDetails to
query for exchange string that is not sent
via accountUpdates by TWS)
- new Transmit( orderID ) method
Transmit( string orderid )- returns non-zero (true) when orderid has been
found on the pending order listand zero otherwise. It does not necesarily
mean that transmit was successful.
Transmit( orderid) is used to transmit
orders previously placed with transmit flag set to false. Transmit internally
is handled by calling "modify
order" function (so you don't need to specify the same parameters again)
but note that TWS has problems with handling modify requests coming too quickly,
so you will NOT be able to call modify/transmit immediatelly after placing
order with transmit = false.In such cases we recommend using manual trigger
that is slow enough not to cause problems.
- GetPositionList() method added
- returns comma separated list of currently open positions
list of open positions and their sizes
ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB");
openpos = ibc.GetPositionList();
for( i = 0;
( symbol = StrExtract(
openpos, i ) ) != ""; i++
printf("Position " +
i + "\tSymbol: " + symbol
+ "\tSize: " + ibc.GetPositionSize(
symbol ) + "\n" );
- GetPendingList( Type, Filter ) - retrieves comma-separated list
of orders from pending list
Type - specifies what should be returned 0 - gives ORDERIDs, 1 gives symbol
Filter - when not empty it tells IBc that only orders with specified status
should be returned
when empty - all orders from pending list are returned.
For example:
symbols = ibc.GetPendingList( 0, "Pending" );
- returns comma separated list of pending order IDs
symbols = ibc.GetPendingList( 1, "Pending" );
- returns comma separated list of SYMBOLS that have pending orders
symbols = ibc.GetPendingList( 0, "Error" );
- returns list of orderids that have errors
symbols = ibc.GetPendingList( 0, "Cancelled" );
- returns cancelled orderids (please keep in mind that cancelled order are automatically
removed from
the list after few seconds)
symbols = ibc.GetPendingList( 0, "" );
- returns list of all orderIDs present in the "pending list" (may be
pending/error/cancelled/partially filled/submitted, etc)
- added experimental Sleep()
Sleep( [number] Milliseconds )
- suspends the execution for specified number
of milliseconds.Please do NOT use this function unless you really have to,
because it locksboth IBController
and AmiBroker for specified period of time and both applicationswon't respond
to user actions (such as mouse/keyboard input). If you suspendexecution for
more than few seconds AmiBroker will complain about OLE server not responding.
- added CloseAllOpenPositons(),
CancelAllPendingOrders methods and Panic button
CloseAllOpenPositions() method - sends MARKET SELL/BUY order for each and
every LONG/SHORT position in the portfolio page - should effectively close
all open positions (provided that closing orders will fill correctly), note
however that it may happen that these closing orders may fail (for example
when markets are closed)
CancelAllPendingOrders - sends cancel for each and
every order displayed in the Pending orders page (with the exception of orders
with Errors)
Panic button in the toolbar - sends CancelAllPendingOrders()
and then CloseAllOpenPositions()
- Bracket orders support. PlaceOrder and ModifyOrder
methods have two additional optional parameters: Attributes and ParentID
PlaceOrder( string Ticker, string Action, number Quantity, string Type,
number LimitPrice, number StopPrice, string TimeInForce, bool Transmit,
[optional] number TickSize = 100, [optional] string Attributes = "", [optional]
string ParentID = ""
- Attributes - is a string that allows to specify additional
order attributes (comma separated list).
Supported attributes:
rthOnly - (OBSOLETE NOW in 1.2.0) if specified means that the order will
only be _filled_ during RTH; this applies to any order type including limit.
ignoreRth - (OBSOLETE NOW in 1.2.0) if specified means that order will
trigger not only during Regular Trading Hours (RTH), but also in extended
market); this applies to stop orders, conditional orders, and alerts;
it is used
by the triggering logic. If not specified (false) orders will trigger
ONLY during RTH.
allOrNone - fill all or nothing at all
eTradeOnly - trade with electronic quotes only
firmQuoteOnly - trade with firm quotes only
By default all those flags are INACTIVE (OFF)
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 1000, "LMT", 27, 0, "GTD
20051215 19:00:00 GMT", True, 100, "allOrNone" );
(Note that optional parameter TickSize MUST be specified if you want to
use Attributes)
- ParentID - is a string that specifies parent order identifier
(returned by previous PlaceOrder call)
allowing you to place BRACKET orders.
parentID = ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "BUY", 1000, "LMT", 27, 0, "GTC", False );
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "SELL", 1000, "LMT", 28, 0, "GTC", False, 100, "",
parentID );
ibc.PlaceOrder("MSFT", "SELL", 1000, "STP", 0, 26, "GTC", True, 100, "",
parentID );
- now IBController does not require API installation
- re-compiled with TWS API 8.41 BETA
- fixed problem with GetPositionSize() reporting zero for SMART routed
symbols in 1.0.4
- fixed symbology used in Order, Status and Porfolio pages
so now futures and currencies work nicely
- added optional TickSize parameter that defines minimum price fluctuation
allowed for given symbol (expressed in pips, i.e. 0.0001). For stocks usually
100 (i.e. 0.01), for Forex: 1.
- automatic reconnect implemented - IBc now attempts to reconnect
to IB every 5 seconds when case connection is lost or IB has crashed and
was restarted
- Now works with "Fire OpenOrder on status change" setting
turned off as well as turned on.
- Order once marked with "Error" status keeps last error message
- compiled with TWS API 8.30
- added GetPositionInfo method
- added unlock code dialog (File->Enter Unlock code). IBController by
default does not transmit orders automatically. Transmission can be enabled
by entering unlock code that is made available to the user after accepting
the agreement.
- IBC: Now pending order list features new status code "error" and
new column: Last error
- IBC: New toolbar button: auto-cancel orders with errors - when turned
on, all orders with errors are cancelled automatically
- IBC: Error messages now show order id and error code
- IBC: Repeating messages are now displayed once with appropriate repeat
count and last update time
- IBC: Most recent error messages now appear on the top of the "message" list,
so you don't need to scroll
- IBC: "Duplicate order ID" problem solved
[Now when TWS sends "duplicate order" message, appropriate order
line is marked in IB Controlled as "error" and such order ID is
no longer used. When new ModifyOrder is placed then new order id will be
- IBC: GetAccountValue function in IB interface
- CancelOrder() removes "NotYetTransmitted" orders from the pending
- IsConnected() funcition now returns integer values 0..3 (not bool)
- 'Clear Messages' toolbar button added
If you experience any problem with this beta version please send detailed
description of the problem (especially the steps needed to reproduce it) to
bugs at